29 October 2009


For those of you who are not hip to the lingo SAHM = stay at home mom. Or as I like to call them stay st home moomies. These are the women who insist that they are doing the most important job in the world. They love their pwecious widdle Madison, and their dawling Jordan, and of course rambunctious (read: ill-behaved) Savanahh.

These women have the tough job of not having a real job. They stay at home and "take care of the kids". What this amounts to is that they get the little crotch pheasants up in the morning, get them dressed and send them off to school. That's if the kids are old enough for school. If they aren't then it really is just a glorified babysitter that the spermandapaycheck gets to also fuck.

These are the women you see at Starbuck's in the middle of the day, and they aren't doing a business lunch. They have wayyyyy to much time on their hands and not enough brains in their head. They clog up the sidewalk with the SUV sized strollers and spend their hubbies money.

None of them has the guts to try having a real job, because that would require higher level critical thinking. These are the women who blog about their kids latest bowel movement, and practice that gentle discipline bullcrap. They whine and complain about its so hard but fail to remember they were the ones that had the kid.

Guess what SAHM,


All of their kids are "gifted" and "spayshul", when really its that the moo needs attention because on some level she begins to realize that duhdie doesn't need to work late every night, its just that he can't stand your ass. Literally. With an ass the width of Texas I would work late as well. And isn't that new secretary young and gorgeous?

01 September 2009

The Duggar Family

I hate to even devote a post to this clusterfuckery. The Duggar Family is an example of everything that is wrong with breeders and their ways. Let me give you a quick run down of the way that this exercise in stupidity works:

The two parents are Michelle and Jim Bob (not kidding, that is his real name) are a part of that ridiculous and ultimately ecologically damaging Quiverfull belief system. I will address that little middle-finger-to-the-planet in a second. Anyway, these two basically have enough kids together to start two separate baseball teams that could then play each other.

I digress.

Michelle and Jim Bob for all intents and purposes fuck like rabbits and Michelle pops out kids to the tune of approximately one per year. For the past nineteen years. To those childfree and lets face it childed women who just felt their uterus wince, I'm with ya. That woman's cervix must be a damn slip 'n' slide by now. I would not be surprised if you saw a white flag waving out of her cooch after this. I would not be surprised if she died before she ws eligible for medicare.

Back to the famblee.

Of course all the kids are homeschooled. Let's be honest here; those kids would get eaten alive at a public school. Between that godawful hair, the Little House on the Prairie wardrobe and that fact that they are a bunch of freaks the crotchloaves wouldn't stand a chance. The clan barely lives in the real world as it is.

Now on to Quiverfull:

These dingleberries quote Psalm 127 and other ambiguous bible verses to justify their lack of knowledge when it comes to birth control and you know...life.

Let me get to the point of this post. The Duggars are freaks. There is no pussy-footing or sugar coating the truth. Hopefully they are in a minority at a time when the Earth can barely support the current population. Their way of life shows a startling lack of knowledge and care for the current state of affairs. They are blissfully ignorant and are passing this ignorance on to their litter. And yes it is a litter.

To Michelle Duggar:

It's a vagina not a clown car. Don't cry to anyone when your pelvic floor gives way and you find your fallopian tubes hanging out like so many tampon strings.

17 August 2009

My Sister Is A Terrible Mother


My sister is a fucking terrible mother. She sucks at life in general.

To My Fellow Black People

To My Fellow Black People,

Sorry I ain't with you. I am sick and tired of other black people assuming that because we share the same general ethnicity that were are in some way related and should look out for one another. This does not apply to every black person that I encounter but it occurs in a small percentage and it is annoying enough that I feel I have to say something about it.

Let me address a few issues that I have seen or encountered:

1. Hating the police in general. I do not hate the police. I have never hated the police. I think 98% of the time that the police do an awesome job. The other 2% are shady and are probably hated by other police officers. Not every police officer engages in racial profiling and seeks to lock up every black man they encounter. When you do something wrong or are behaving suspiciously the police have every right to stop you or otherwise inquire about your activities. Guess what? I would too. If it is 1:30am and you are standing near the entrance to an alley wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled all the way down over your eyes then sorry but you look suspicious. I would stop your ass too.

Another issue with the police is when a crime happens and no one wants to say anything. You pay lipservice to the fact that you want the keep the chilluns safe and sound and get rid of the gangs...yeah right. If you wanted to get rid of the gangs you would have spoken up to say that it was little Ray Ray that shot someone. You wonder why no one cares about the little black kids? because you don't care if you did there wouldn't be this need to spite the police at every turn. Grow the hell up and get a life.

2. The vernacular. I speak Standard American English. Ebonics is a cop out. Once again GROW UP. You will not be getting a job in most meaningful careers if every sentence is peppered with dog, n***er, mother**cker, etc. No one wants you representing their company.

3. Hobbies and pasttimes. I do not smoke weed or cigarettes. And yes I look down on you when you extol the virtues of said activities. I enjoy knowing that if a random drug screening came up I would pass. Smoking marijuana makes you a loser, unless you do it medicinally. Most of you all do not do it medicinally unless lazy-assness is a disease. GET A LIFE.

Standing on a street corner all day, every day is not a hobby. IT means you have no job or life. You know what? go volunteer somewhere and make yourself useful. Doesn't it get baring after a while doing NOTHING with your life?

4. Sex. When you randomly fuck anything with the proper genitalia and do not use protection a child will more than likely be produced. If you do this often enough you may even get a case of vaginal vermin or testicular termites. (Children can fall into this category as well.) Also think about this: If you are having sex with someone you hate or someone that already has kids they neglect chances are they will neglect the one they create with you. Grow some brains. Maury Povich is probably set for retirement off the stupidity of black people.

5. Blame Game. Stop blaming white people for everything. No one but you started selling drugs and no one but you dropped out of high school.

09 August 2009

New Direction For My Blog

I have decided to take my blog in a newer more honest direction. Namely I am changing the url and making it so that people who know me in real life cannot find it by searching for me. I will blog about things but will obviously use fake names and places.

There will be more childfree opinion pieces and mush more LGBT rights stuff on here. Enjoy! I will also be changing the layout.

29 July 2009

Jenny McCarthy is an Idiot

Sorry someone had to say it. She has essentially created a scare in parents. She claims to have done research on the topic of vaccines and autism. Last time I checked research involved case studies, the scientific method, years of R&D, scientists, DOCTORS, and oh I don't know KNOWLEDGE.

Anyone who has taken any type of college level Bio class will see straight through her idiocy and ridiculousness. My personal favorite is how her son was "cured" of autism. Autism is a disorder that is evaluated on a spectrum and can't be attributed to any one cause. This blog entry does an awesome job of breaking down the antivax camp.

Did I mention Jenny has no license, degree, certification, or anything? But yeah... go ahead and listen to her. Don't vaccinate. Just keep your little kid away from me please. I like not having shingles and lockjaw.

I am going to quote a piece of a blog that I came across that states this much better than I could:

"The only question is how much damage will she do in the meantime.

It is concern over this damage (which is already underway in the form of an increase in vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as the use of many dangerous quack treatments like chelation) that motivates me and other science bloggers to take such a hard line with McCarthy. Orac has also taken her down nicely. Even Phil Plait, an astronomer, thought it necessary to call shinanigans on McCarthy.

Her crusade is destructive. It seeks to divide, rather than find common ground. It is dedicated not to a cause (children or autism) but to a conclusion (it’s the vaccines) that happens to be wrong. Along the way she seeks to burn down any institution that gets in her way – sowing public distrust in the medical community, in scientific medicine, in the vaccine program, and regulatory agencies. She believes the system has failed her, so now she advocates for medical anarchy – parents taking medical care into their own hands and not trusting their doctors.

To her all of this is better than to entertain, even for a moment, that perhaps she has not properly interpreted the complex scientific evidence – that maybe, just maybe, she might be wrong and the experts right."

McCarthy is creating an environment where no good can come. No one is doubting that sometimes kids have bad reactions to vaccines. People also have bad reactions to food, the air, light, and other people. Are we going to stop interacting with the world now?

PS. McCarthy also glosses over the fact that she smoke, drank, and had Botox all before she knew she was preggos. But yeah, its the vaccines.