05 January 2010


Certain things are blatantly innappropriate:

1. Having sex with animals.
2. Abusing the elderly
3. Laughing at the death of someone's loved one.

I could go on but you get the point. You know what else is innappropriate. Breastfeeding a seven-year-old.

Yeah. Seven-fucking-years-old.

There are some moos out there who think that extended breastfeeding is somehow a beautiful and wonderful thing that will bring them closer to their baby and somehow make them a better mother. You mean a better nasty-ass trash bag. The "proper" term for this phenomenon is extended breastfeeding. Remember I mentioned those nutbag attachment parents. The ones that think that unless the kid is literally tethered to the mooomie 24 hours a day it will whither and die, become a raging sociopath that likes to kill women, or be so emotionally stunted it makes Ann Coulter look like a teddy bear.

Check this shit out.

Gaggg. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The best part is that the supporters of this crap are just as bad. Lets assume that breastmilk past the age of say 1.5 still has some nutritional and immunological relevance. Its the breastmilk not the breastfeeding. Pump that crap into a cup and move on. All this does is ensure that the child will always be dependent on the mother. Its gives the insecure moo the sense that she has some meaning beyond being the incubator she defined herself as previously. Way to have some self worth. IS she gonna follow the kid to college and squirt it in the coffee in the dining hall.

There is also a site called mother.com that is full of these crazy mootards. Want an example of extended breastfeeding at its finest: go here.

But the childfree are the terrible ones. Yeah.

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